Seven TwentyFive Society - Platinum
Seven TwentyFive Society - Platinum
Join the Society today to unlock premium features from our website such as exclusive discounts, free items, exclusive LIVE streaming events, and access to pre-order new arrivals before they officially hit the store.
Silver - 20% off the price of all purchases under our STFS catalog & one FREE item worth up to $75 on your birthday.
Gold - 30% off the price of all purchases under our STFS catalog, opportunity to vote on new design concepts, access to pre-order new arrivals before their official release & one FREE item worth up to $100 on your birthday.
Platinum - 30% off the price of all purchases on our site, access to exclusive LIVE events, opportunity to vote on new design concepts, first-access to pre-orders & one store coupon worth $150 on your birthday.